
Video with telemetry


Imagine, you went for a ride and recorded a video of it. You have tried so hard, but in the end it doesn't even look fast. They call it a GoPro effect, and there is not much we can do about it. The obvious way to overcome it is to ride even faster or on more harsh terrain.

But there's one more way - we can add some data on top of the video to make it at least a bit more entertaining.


We will need 3 things:

  • the video - any kind will do

  • the data source - I've used gpx, but others might be used as well

  • DashWare

So, we're gonna be using DashWare - it's a bit outdated piece of software which purpose is exactly what we need: adding data overlay.

After installing it, create a new project:


Here I have added a video from my camera, gpx is to be added later:


Now we have to synchronize the video with the data, which might be really annoying task.


I've found out that the easiest way to do that is to add a digital speedometer to the video from the Gauge toolbox (any one will do) and find a place where you make a tight turn so your speed is minimal. Once you're happy with the position, check the "Synchronize with video" checkbox and take a look at other video parts.

Map data

There are quite a lot of different gauges to add, GPS map being one of them. The problem is that the map is not really a map, but just your track. Doesn't look too informative. Thankfully, there's a workaround: you may take a screenshot of the actual map (I've used my favorite Stamen toner) and use it as a background image in the map settings.


It takes some alignment too, but you don't actually need to be that accurate

Here's how the end result looks like: